5 Beneficial Herbs To Treat Psoriasis Naturally


Typically, people who have psoriasis have symptoms like silvery-white or red, scaly patches. Treatment options for this autoimmune disorder range from topical ointments to light therapy and oral medication. With increasing awareness of the side effects of synthetic drugs, increasing research is being conducted into the advantages of natural ingredients and remedies. Here’s our list of 5 herbs that research suggests could treat psoriasis.

  1. Capsaicin: Capsaicin is the active ingredient in chili peppers and is the cause of burning sensations after eating chili. Capsaicin has anti-inflammatory properties, and studies suggest that the burning sensation it causes could help heal psoriasis flares. Although normal during the application of capsaicin cream, successful research showed that the burning sensation decreased after frequent use. Topical creams containing capsaicin are known to be beneficial to treat moderate to severe psoriasis.
  2. Aloe vera: The aloe vera plant possesses cooling and soothing properties. Studies suggest that it may also have features that aid healing irritated skin and cell regeneration. Effective treatments for mild psoriasis flares include creams containing a small amount of aloe. According to Mayo Clinic’s research, applications of aloe cream three times a day for five days could lessen mild psoriasis flares and reduce inflammation.
  3. Oregon grape (Mahonia aquifolium): Also called barberry, this fruit has properties against inflammation. We usually see the crushed stems and leaves used to make a topical skin cream. Studies show that a 10% Oregon grape extract is effective in reducing redness and easing the symptoms of mild to moderate psoriasis. Apart from a burning sensation during the application, this natural treatment has few side effects.
  4. Turmeric: This root is known for its anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. Studies into the effect of turmeric on psoriasis suggest that the active ingredient in turmeric called curcumin is highly effective in reducing symptoms. Research shows that gels with curcumin show dramatic results when used with topical steroids.
  5. Indigo naturalis: Traditionally used to make a deep colored dye, a distillation of an oil extract from this plant is possible. Studies show that Indigo naturalis extract oil can treat nail psoriasis effectively. This extract also effectively treats psoriasis flares when applied topically.

While herbal psoriasis treatments can provide respite, always be alert for allergies. Herbal therapies are not yet a replacement for professional medicine, so consult your doctor before trying one.

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