5 Benefits of Probiotics To Keep Your Mouth Healthy


While most of us focus on maintaining an overall healthy lifestyle, we often tend to neglect our teeth and gums. While regular brushing and flossing are a good way to start, recent studies throw light on the benefits of probiotics for a healthy mouth. Our bodies are full of several types of bacteria and probiotics. Better known as bacteria that aid digestion, probiotics are termed ‘helpful’ bacteria. Although not approved by the U.S. FDA for medical use, research results lean towards possible advantages of oral probiotics. Here’s our list of the five potential benefits suggested by research.

  1. Reduce gum inflammation. Studies into gum inflammation found that supplements containing the bacteria Lactobacillus brevis reduce symptoms. Further research also suggests that a daily intake of probiotic-rich milk decreases inflammation in the mouth.
  2. Reduce bad breath. Bad breath is a problem that many of us face and studies on its causes and prevention are numerous. Bacteria in your mouth or gut is the leading cause of bad breath. Research has shown that a supplement containing the probiotic Streptococcus salivarius taken after an antimicrobial mouthwash had a drastic effect in reducing the bad breath causing bacteria.
  3. Plaque prevention. Of all the bacteria that exist in our mouths, some cause plaque. Bacteria such as Streptococcus mutans (S. mutans) create an acidic environment in the mouth by converting sugars into lactic acid. This environment can lead to the formation of plaque and cavities. Research in 2016 shows that a bacteria called A12 can stop the growth of plaque-causing bacteria like S. mutans.
  4. Reduce symptoms of gingivitis. Also known as gum disease, gingivitis can cause tender, swollen gums, and sensitive teeth. In 2006 researchers found that the probiotic Lactobacillus reuteri reduced gingivitis symptoms in a majority of test subjects.
  5. Prevent oral cancer. With lifestyle changes nowadays, there is a higher risk of oral cancer. A 2013 study conducted on rats showed that the bacterium Lactobacillus salivarius reduced oral cancer. Although promising, cancer-preventing benefits of probiotics needs more research.

Probiotics naturally occur in foods like dairy products and sour pickles. Supplements in powder or pill forms are also widely available. While probiotics are generally safe to consume, take them in the manufacturer-recommended dosages to prevent unnecessary complications. It is always advisable to speak with your doctor or dietitian before taking any health supplements.

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