Experienced Travelers Share Tips for Solo Women Travelers


When it comes to traveling the world alone, being a woman poses a few unique challenges. That’s not to say it can’t be done. We’ve done some of the homework for you. Below, you’ll find some of the best tips from the pros who have been successfully traveling for years.

Choose Your Destination Well.

Understand what drew you to the place, think about what you hope to achieve by going there, and get in touch with what kinds of experiences you would like to have once you are there. It will make the next few steps easier and give you a trip that you aren’t likely to forget in a hurry.

Have a Plan for Your First Night.

Plan to arrive by mid-afternoon and have a pre-booked hotel/apartment/home rental in place for that very first night. I will reduce the stress of finding a place in unfamiliar territory. Besides, you can always move or try and extend your stay once you have had some sleep.

Pack Minimally.

There are a ton of packing videos online and for an excellent reason. Packing light requires a bit more planning, but get it right, and you’ll save a ton of money, easily hop in and out of busses and trains and be more mobile on the go. Stretching your wardrobe to accommodate different kinds of weather or activities might be difficult, but it isn’t impossible when you get creative with the pieces you choose and add laundry stops along the way.

Take Time Off from Social Media.

This one is easy. Unless you need to, get off the double tapping, quick scrolling daemon, and stop to take in the place. You’ll find you have more vivid memories when you get home.

Stay Safe.

Keep your location private. This might seem like good advice for online activities, but it’s the same in the real world. Be vague if people ask where you are staying and keep your accommodation a secret. While we’re talking about staying safe, make sure your passport and relevant documents are secure. Keep scanned copies on your email or cloud server, with a friend and on you at all times.

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