Gardening Tips from Experts


Gardening can be a rewarding hobby that brings you closer to nature. If you like the idea of gardening but don’t know where to start, here are 8 great gardening tips for beginners:

Create a portfolio: Many gardeners have a scrapbook in which they record details of their plants and where they are placed in the garden. You can also add photographs of the plant to make it easy for you to identify it.

Use packing peanuts to lighten pots: If transporting large pots is becoming a challenge, make sure to not fill the pot with soil completely. Instead, fill either the bottom one-third or half of the pot with packing peanuts. Place some landscape fabric over the packing peanuts and then fill up the remaining space with soil.

Pick the right location: Picking a good location to place your plants is important. Most plants will require at least some amount of sunlight in a day. Also, ensure that the place does not get flooded when it rains.

Test your soil: You will usually be able to test out your soil’s nutrient and pH levels by sending a sample of it to a nearby nursery. Given that pH level requirements vary for different plants, you’ll know which types of plants to pick once you test the soil.

Start with plants that grow easily: If you are just starting to garden, it can help to pick plants that grow easily. For instance, most vegetables grow quickly and you can tell whether you’ve made any mistakes without waiting for too long.

Water carefully: Ensure that you don’t water your plants too often or too little. Your plants should receive ample water on a consistent basis. Also, you’ll need to water new plants more frequently than ones that have been around for a while, given that their roots aren’t completely developed.

Restrict aggressive plants: If you have plants that grow aggressively, prevent them from crowding your garden by either placing them in a pot or cutting the bottom with a knife.

Check if your plant is root-bound: If you have potted plants, the roots may start to coil inside the pot due to a lack of space. If this happens, you’ll want to guide the roots outside or cut the root-ball vertically with a knife.

With these tips, you are likely to have a flourishing garden in no time!

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